24 slides
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Introducing Superlist: Made for teams, built for people.
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The productivity market is growing rapidly, yet a large portion of companies still rely on outdated tools like Excel and PowerPoint. The pandemic has accelerated the demand for productivity tools.
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COVID-19 has led to a surge in demand for productivity and remote work tools, with notable successes in communication, meetings, and knowledge management, but task and project management still lags behind.
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Our mission is to rethink productivity for the new normal with the right ideas, team, and setup.
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Superlist bridges the gap between the tools we want to use and those we have to use, offering a unique solution built for teams and made for people.
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Superlist is a supercharged productivity tool based on four core principles: innovative but friendly, useful yet unobtrusive, encouraging not controlling, and integrated not competitive.
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Our team comprises experienced leaders behind successful products like Wunderlist, Creators Media, and Metalab, bringing together a wealth of expertise in product development and market success.
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Superlist aims to revolutionize project management just as Slack did for email and Google Docs did for Word. Made for teams, built for people.